
life is unpredictable......

Global warming is a controversial topic and until now, our Earth is getting warmer day by day. Global warming occurs when solar radiation passes through the atmosphere in the form of light waves. The radiation is absorbed by our Earth and warms it. The warming planet radiated back into the space in the form of infrared waves. However, some of this outgoing radiation does not pass through the atmosphere, but it reflected back down to Earth. Thus, the heat energy is trapped by the atmosphere and increases Earth’s temperature. As a result, global warming had caused some effects in term of climate change.

Firstly, the effect of global warming to the Earth is the climate change. As we all know, global warming releases greater amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The concentration of carbon dioxide in atmosphere now is above 300 parts per million (Al-Gore, 2006). Temperature of Earth increases as the atmosphere traps more heat. It significantly changes the usual climate across the globe. As the result, some place faces higher temperature, some place faces lower temperature and even hurricane and storm hit some part of the Earth. For example, America was hit by terrible hurricane Katrina in 2005 and had caused a lot of destructions.

Secondly, global warming also affects the level of the seas. It is because when the temperature of Earth increases, the temperature of the oceans increases too. The level of the seas also increase when the melting of glacier and ice sheet is occurs. The amount and the thickness of the Arctic’s ice cap is decreasing 40% in 40 years (Al-Gore, 2006). Thus, it means that some part of the world will be disappeared especially the low country because as the ice cap from North and South Pole is melting, the volume of sea water will increase. Tony Blair’s scientific advisor (n.d) argues that the world map would have to be redrawn if global warming is not reduced.

Another problem is pests and diseases are predicted to spread much faster. For example, mosquito breed faster in hotter temperature and more people will be affected by malaria. The number of cases of infected diseases will be increased in the countries that are located just above the mosquito’s lines such as Nairobi. In addition, 30 news diseases are founded in the last quarter of century (Al-Gore, 2006). SARS, lyme diseases and Avian flu are the diseases that causing havoc throughout certain countries especially poor countries. It is believes that the number of new infected diseases will rise as the Earth is getting warmer.

A final problem caused by global warming is that many species are now threatened with extinction and the ecosystem is disturbed. With the faster increasing change of temperature, animals and plants may not be able to adapt quickly enough and many of the species become extinct. For example, polar bears depend on sea ice to hunt and move from one place to another. If all the sea ice is melts, it is afraid that the polar bears may not be able to survive. At the end, our next generation may not be able to know what polar bears it is.

Global warming can be reduced if we are able to produce fewer carbon dioxide emissions. The easiest way to start is by plant more trees. Trees release carbon dioxide to the air. It means that, more trees will release more carbon dioxide to the air and lower the temperature of surrounding. Walk or ride a bicycle is the easier way to practice, significantly reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to the air. We also can buy energy efficient appliances and stop using air conditioner that releases harmful gases to the atmosphere.

As conclusion, global warming causes havoc across the globe. Global warming affects the climate and the level of the seas. The number of infected diseases increases as global warming becomes worse. Extinction of species and the disturbance of ecosystem are among of the effects of global warming. In order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, various ways are suggested but we have to start from the easiest. Our small action will make a big difference.

A young British girl was left suffering headaches and nausea for more than two years after bungling opticians fitted her spectacle lenses the wrong way round.
But when the blunder was spotted the opticians offered her a cheap bottle of lens cleaner in compensation, The Sun reported.
Staff at opticians Specsavers mixed up the left and right prescription lenses for seven-year-old Tayla Don.
Tayla's mother, Beverley, 39, ended up taking her to hospital - where a routine eye inspection revealed the mistake.
She said: "We'd wondered why her eyesight wasn't getting better. I'd thought several times the glasses didn't seem to be doing much good at all.
"I hope it hasn't caused permanent damage."
Ms Don bought the pink-framed glasses in June 2008 at her local Specsavers in Milton Keynes, central England - and took them back when Tayla's symptoms emerged.
But staff said her headaches and feelings of sickness were a normal reaction and would pass.
Tayla has now been given a stronger prescription by doctors and fitted with new spectacles.
Beverley said: "She said things were no longer blurry, so we assume the old glasses blurred her vision."
Specsavers apologised for the mistake and offered Tayla a complimentary bottle of lens cleaner worth only $5.
Store director Raj Shah said: "We take customer care extremely seriously."



**About me**

**Mohammad Akmal Bin Azhar**
**22nd of Nov 1991**
**CSAM '10**


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